Articles | Volume 16, issue 8
Data description paper
28 Aug 2024
Data description paper |  | 28 Aug 2024

SHIFT: a spatial-heterogeneity improvement in DEM-based mapping of global geomorphic floodplains

Kaihao Zheng, Peirong Lin, and Ziyun Yin

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Short summary
We develop a globally applicable thresholding scheme for DEM-based floodplain delineation to improve the representation of spatial heterogeneity. It involves a stepwise approach to estimate the basin-level floodplain hydraulic geometry parameters that best respect the scaling law while approximating the global hydrodynamic flood maps. A ~90 m resolution global floodplain map, the Spatial Heterogeneity Improved Floodplain by Terrain analysis (SHIFT), is delineated with demonstrated superiority. 
Final-revised paper