Articles | Volume 12, issue 2
Data description paper
19 May 2020
Data description paper |  | 19 May 2020

A global compilation of in situ aquatic high spectral resolution inherent and apparent optical property data for remote sensing applications

Kimberly A. Casey, Cecile S. Rousseaux, Watson W. Gregg, Emmanuel Boss, Alison P. Chase, Susanne E. Craig, Colleen B. Mouw, Rick A. Reynolds, Dariusz Stramski, Steven G. Ackleson, Annick Bricaud, Blake Schaeffer, Marlon R. Lewis, and Stéphane Maritorena

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Cited articles

Allali, K., Bricaud, A., and Claustre, H.: Spatial variations in the chlorophyll-specific absorption coefficients of phytoplankton and photosynthetically active pigments in the equatorial Pacific, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 12413–12423,, 1997. 
Astuti, I. S., Mishra, D. R., Mishra, S., and Schaeffer, B.: Spatio-temporal dynamics of inherent optical properties in oligotrophic northern Gulf of Mexico estuaries, Cont. Shelf Res., 166, 92–107,, 2018. 
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Bricaud, A., Babin, M., Claustre, H., Ras, J., and Tièche, F.: Light absorption properties and absorption budget of Southeast Pacific waters, J. Geophys. Res., 115, C08009,, 2010. 
Short summary
An increase in spectral resolution in forthcoming remote-sensing missions will improve our ability to understand and characterize aquatic ecosystems. We organize and provide a global compilation of high spectral resolution inherent and apparent optical property data from polar, midlatitude, and equatorial open-ocean, estuary, coastal, and inland waters. The data are intended to aid in development of remote-sensing data product algorithms and to perform calibration and validation activities.
Final-revised paper