Articles | Volume 14, issue 5
Data description paper
12 May 2022
Data description paper |  | 12 May 2022

A global drought dataset of standardized moisture anomaly index incorporating snow dynamics (SZIsnow) and its application in identifying large-scale drought events

Lei Tian, Baoqing Zhang, and Pute Wu

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Short summary
We propose a global monthly drought dataset with a resolution of 0.25° from 1948 to 2010 based on a multitype and multiscalar drought index, the standardized moisture anomaly index adding snow processes (SZIsnow). The consideration of snow processes improved its capability, and the improvement is prominent over snow-covered high-latitude and high-altitude areas. This new dataset is well suited to monitoring, assessing, and characterizing drought and is a valuable resource for drought studies.
Final-revised paper