Articles | Volume 14, issue 9
Data description paper
22 Sep 2022
Data description paper |  | 22 Sep 2022

A global marine particle size distribution dataset obtained with the Underwater Vision Profiler 5

Rainer Kiko, Marc Picheral, David Antoine, Marcel Babin, Léo Berline, Tristan Biard, Emmanuel Boss, Peter Brandt, Francois Carlotti, Svenja Christiansen, Laurent Coppola, Leandro de la Cruz, Emilie Diamond-Riquier, Xavier Durrieu de Madron, Amanda Elineau, Gabriel Gorsky, Lionel Guidi, Helena Hauss, Jean-Olivier Irisson, Lee Karp-Boss, Johannes Karstensen, Dong-gyun Kim, Rachel M. Lekanoff, Fabien Lombard, Rubens M. Lopes, Claudie Marec, Andrew M. P. McDonnell, Daniela Niemeyer, Margaux Noyon, Stephanie H. O'Daly, Mark D. Ohman, Jessica L. Pretty, Andreas Rogge, Sarah Searson, Masashi Shibata, Yuji Tanaka, Toste Tanhua, Jan Taucher, Emilia Trudnowska, Jessica S. Turner, Anya Waite, and Lars Stemmann

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This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Biogeosciences (BG).
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This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Biogeosciences (BG).
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This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Biogeosciences (BG).
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Cited articles

Alldredge, A. L. and Gotschalk, C.: In situ settling behavior of marine snow 1, Limnol. Oceanogr., 33, 339–351, 1988. a
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Asper, V. L.: Measuring the flux and sinking speed of marine snow aggregates, Deep-Sea Res., 34, 1–17, 1987. a
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Short summary
The term marine particles comprises detrital aggregates; fecal pellets; bacterioplankton, phytoplankton and zooplankton; and even fish. Here, we present a global dataset that contains 8805 vertical particle size distribution profiles obtained with Underwater Vision Profiler 5 (UVP5) camera systems. These data are valuable to the scientific community, as they can be used to constrain important biogeochemical processes in the ocean, such as the flux of carbon to the deep sea.
Final-revised paper