Articles | Volume 12, issue 1
Data description paper
10 Feb 2020
Data description paper |  | 10 Feb 2020

A dataset of tracer concentrations and meteorological observations from the Bolzano Tracer EXperiment (BTEX) to characterize pollutant dispersion processes in an Alpine valley

Marco Falocchi, Werner Tirler, Lorenzo Giovannini, Elena Tomasi, Gianluca Antonacci, and Dino Zardi

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Revised manuscript accepted for GMD
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Short summary
This paper describes a dataset of tracer concentrations and meteorological measurements collected during the Bolzano Tracer EXperiment (BTEX) to evaluate the pollutant dispersion from a waste incinerator close to Bolzano (Italian Alps). BTEX represents one of the few experiments available in the literature performed over complex mountainous terrain to evaluate dispersion processes by means of controlled tracer releases. This dataset represents a useful benchmark for testing dispersion models.
Final-revised paper