Articles | Volume 16, issue 9
Data description paper
13 Sep 2024
Data description paper |  | 13 Sep 2024

A field-based thickness measurement dataset of fallout pyroclastic deposits in the peri-volcanic areas of Campania (Italy): statistical combination of different predictions for spatial estimation of thickness

Pooria Ebrahimi, Fabio Matano, Vincenzo Amato, Raffaele Mattera, and Germana Scepi

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Short summary
Fallout pyroclastic deposits cover hillslopes after explosive volcanic eruptions and strongly influence landscape evolution, hydrology, erosion, and slope stability processes. Accurate mapping of the spatial-thickness variations of these fallout pyroclastic deposits over large hillslope areas remains a knowledge gap. We attempt to bridge this gap by applying statistical techniques to a field-based thickness measurement dataset of fallout pyroclastic deposits.
Final-revised paper