Articles | Volume 16, issue 9
Data description paper
13 Sep 2024
Data description paper |  | 13 Sep 2024

A field-based thickness measurement dataset of fallout pyroclastic deposits in the peri-volcanic areas of Campania (Italy): statistical combination of different predictions for spatial estimation of thickness

Pooria Ebrahimi, Fabio Matano, Vincenzo Amato, Raffaele Mattera, and Germana Scepi

Data sets

Database of pyroclastic cover deposit thickness measurements (PT-Cam) in peri-volcanic areas of Campania (Italy) F. Matano et al.

Short summary
Fallout pyroclastic deposits cover hillslopes after explosive volcanic eruptions and strongly influence landscape evolution, hydrology, erosion, and slope stability processes. Accurate mapping of the spatial-thickness variations of these fallout pyroclastic deposits over large hillslope areas remains a knowledge gap. We attempt to bridge this gap by applying statistical techniques to a field-based thickness measurement dataset of fallout pyroclastic deposits.
Final-revised paper