Articles | Volume 17, issue 3
Data description paper
13 Mar 2025
Data description paper |  | 13 Mar 2025

RER2023: the landslide inventory dataset of the May 2023 Emilia-Romagna meteorological event

Matteo Berti, Marco Pizziolo, Michele Scaroni, Mauro Generali, Vincenzo Critelli, Marco Mulas, Melissa Tondo, Francesco Lelli, Cecilia Fabbiani, Francesco Ronchetti, Giuseppe Ciccarese, Nicola Dal Seno, Elena Ioriatti, Rodolfo Rani, Alessandro Zuccarini, Tommaso Simonelli, and Alessandro Corsini

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Cited articles

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Short summary
In May 2023, Emilia-Romagna, Italy, experienced heavy rainfall that led to severe flooding and initiated thousands of landslides on slopes thought to be stable. Collaborating with the Civil Protection Agency, our team created a detailed map documenting 80,997 affected areas. This comprehensive dataset is crucial for research on climate change and assists in planning and risk management by demonstrating how climate change can alter our understanding of landslide susceptibility.
Final-revised paper