Articles | Volume 15, issue 8
Data description paper
23 Aug 2023
Data description paper |  | 23 Aug 2023

The Portuguese Large Wildfire Spread database (PT-FireSprd)

Akli Benali, Nuno Guiomar, Hugo Gonçalves, Bernardo Mota, Fábio Silva, Paulo M. Fernandes, Carlos Mota, Alexandre Penha, João Santos, José M. C. Pereira, and Ana C. L. Sá

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Revised manuscript under review for ESSD
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Domain: ESSD – Land | Subject: Biogeosciences and biodiversity
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Cited articles

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Short summary
We reconstructed the spread of 80 large wildfires that burned recently in Portugal and calculated metrics that describe how wildfires behave, such as rate of spread, growth rate, and energy released. We describe the fire behaviour distribution using six percentile intervals that can be easily communicated to both research and management communities. The database will help improve our current knowledge on wildfire behaviour and support better decision making.
Final-revised paper