Articles | Volume 13, issue 1
Data description paper
27 Jan 2021
Data description paper |  | 27 Jan 2021

Fine-grained, spatiotemporal datasets measuring 200 years of land development in the United States

Johannes H. Uhl, Stefan Leyk, Caitlin M. McShane, Anna E. Braswell, Dylan S. Connor, and Deborah Balk

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Short summary
Fine-grained geospatial data on the spatial distribution of human settlements are scarce prior to the era of remote-sensing-based Earth observation. In this paper, we present datasets derived from a large, novel building stock database, enabling the spatially explicit analysis of 200 years of land development in the United States at an unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution. These datasets greatly facilitate long-term studies of socio-environmental systems in the conterminous USA.
Final-revised paper