Articles | Volume 13, issue 2
Data description paper
02 Mar 2021
Data description paper |  | 02 Mar 2021

Annual 30 m dataset for glacial lakes in High Mountain Asia from 2008 to 2017

Fang Chen, Meimei Zhang, Huadong Guo, Simon Allen, Jeffrey S. Kargel, Umesh K. Haritashya, and C. Scott Watson

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Cited articles

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Short summary
We developed a 30 m dataset to characterize the annual coverage of glacial lakes in High Mountain Asia (HMA) from 2008 to 2017. Our results show that proglacial lakes are a main contributor to recent lake evolution in HMA, accounting for 62.87 % (56.67 km2) of the total area increase. Regional geographic variability of debris cover, together with trends in warming and precipitation over the past few decades, largely explains the current distribution of supra- and proglacial lake area.
Final-revised paper