Articles | Volume 13, issue 2
Data description paper
02 Mar 2021
Data description paper |  | 02 Mar 2021

Annual 30 m dataset for glacial lakes in High Mountain Asia from 2008 to 2017

Fang Chen, Meimei Zhang, Huadong Guo, Simon Allen, Jeffrey S. Kargel, Umesh K. Haritashya, and C. Scott Watson

Data sets

Annual 30-meter Dataset for Glacial Lakes in High Mountain Asia from 2008 to 2017 Fang Chen, Meimei Zhang, Huadong Guo, Simon Allen, Jeffrey S. Kargel, Umesh K. Haritashya, and Cameron S. Watson

Short summary
We developed a 30 m dataset to characterize the annual coverage of glacial lakes in High Mountain Asia (HMA) from 2008 to 2017. Our results show that proglacial lakes are a main contributor to recent lake evolution in HMA, accounting for 62.87 % (56.67 km2) of the total area increase. Regional geographic variability of debris cover, together with trends in warming and precipitation over the past few decades, largely explains the current distribution of supra- and proglacial lake area.
Final-revised paper