Articles | Volume 11, issue 4
Data description paper
25 Nov 2019
Data description paper |  | 25 Nov 2019

The Cumulus And Stratocumulus CloudSat-CALIPSO Dataset (CASCCAD)

Grégory Cesana, Anthony D. Del Genio, and Hélène Chepfer

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Cited articles

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Short summary
Low clouds (cloud top below 3 km) drive most of the uncertainty in future climate projections. Here we create a new dataset, the Cumulus And Stratocumulus CloudSat-CALIPSO Dataset (CASCCAD), which identifies the different types of low clouds – stratocumulus and cumulus – based on their morphology. CASCCAD provides a basis to evaluate climate models and potentially improve our understanding of the cloud response to climate warming, as well as reduce the uncertainty in future climate projection.
Final-revised paper