Articles | Volume 8, issue 2
20 Oct 2016
 | 20 Oct 2016

Global ocean particulate organic carbon flux merged with satellite parameters

Colleen B. Mouw, Audrey Barnett, Galen A. McKinley, Lucas Gloege, and Darren Pilcher

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Cited articles

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Buesseler, K. O. and Boyd, P. W.: Shedding light on processes that control particle export and flux attenuation in the twilight zone of the open ocean, Limnol. Oceanogr., 54, 1210–1232, 2009.
Short summary
Particulate organic carbon (POC) flux estimated from POC concentration observations from sediment traps and 234Th are compiled across the global ocean. By providing merged coincident satellite imagery products, the dataset can be used to link phytoplankton surface process with POC flux. Due to rapid remineralization within the first 500 m of the water column, shallow observations from 234Th supplement the more extensive sediment trap record.
Final-revised paper