Articles | Volume 17, issue 2
Data description paper
11 Feb 2025
Data description paper |  | 11 Feb 2025

GravIS: mass anomaly products from satellite gravimetry

Christoph Dahle, Eva Boergens, Ingo Sasgen, Thorben Döhne, Sven Reißland, Henryk Dobslaw, Volker Klemann, Michael Murböck, Rolf König, Robert Dill, Mike Sips, Ulrike Sylla, Andreas Groh, Martin Horwath, and Frank Flechtner

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Benchmark data for verifying background model implementations in orbit and gravity field determination software
Martin Lasser, Ulrich Meyer, Adrian Jäggi, Torsten Mayer-Gürr, Andreas Kvas, Karl Hans Neumayer, Christoph Dahle, Frank Flechtner, Jean-Michel Lemoine, Igor Koch, Matthias Weigelt, and Jakob Flury
Adv. Geosci., 55, 1–11,,, 2020
Short summary
Description of the multi-approach gravity field models from Swarm GPS data
João Teixeira da Encarnação, Pieter Visser, Daniel Arnold, Aleš Bezdek, Eelco Doornbos, Matthias Ellmer, Junyi Guo, Jose van den IJssel, Elisabetta Iorfida, Adrian Jäggi, Jaroslav Klokocník, Sandro Krauss, Xinyuan Mao, Torsten Mayer-Gürr, Ulrich Meyer, Josef Sebera, C. K. Shum, Chaoyang Zhang, Yu Zhang, and Christoph Dahle
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 12, 1385–1417,,, 2020
Short summary

Related subject area

Domain: ESSD – Land | Subject: Geophysics and geodesy
cigFacies: a massive-scale benchmark dataset of seismic facies and its application
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Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 17, 595–609,,, 2025
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Airborne Gravimetry with Quantum Technology: Observations from Iceland and Greenland
Tim Enzlberger Jensen, Bjørnar Dale, Andreas Stokholm, René Forsberg, Alexandre Bresson, Nassim Zahzam, Alexis Bonnin, and Yannick Bidel
Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss.,,, 2024
Revised manuscript accepted for ESSD
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Advancing geodynamic research in Antarctica: Reprocessing GNSS data to infer consistent coordinate time series (GIANT-REGAIN)
Eric Buchta, Mirko Scheinert, Matt A. King, Terry Wilson, Achraf Koulali, Peter J. Clarke, Demián Gómez, Eric Kendrick, Christoph Knöfel, and Peter Busch
Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss.,,, 2024
Revised manuscript accepted for ESSD
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Synthetic ground motions in heterogeneous geologies from various sources: the HEMEWS-3D database
Fanny Lehmann, Filippo Gatti, Michaël Bertin, and Didier Clouteau
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 16, 3949–3972,,, 2024
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Seismic survey in urban area: the activities of the EMERSITO INGV emergency group in Ancona (Italy) following the 2022 MW 5.5 Costa Marchigiana-Pesarese earthquake
Daniela Famiani, Fabrizio Cara, Giuseppe Di Giulio, Giovanna Cultrera, Francesca Pacor, Sara Lovati, Gaetano Riccio, Maurizio Vassallo, Giulio Brunelli, Antonio Costanzo, Antonella Bobbio, Marta Pischiutta, Rodolfo Puglia, Marco Massa, Rocco Cogliano, Salomon Hailemikael, Alessia Mercuri, Giuliano Milana, Luca Minarelli, Alessandro Di Filippo, Lucia Nardone, Simone Marzorati, Chiara Ladina, Debora Pantaleo, Carlo Calamita, Maria Grazia Ciaccio, Antonio Fodarella, Stefania Pucillo, Giuliana Mele, Carla Bottari, Gaetano De Luca, Luigi Falco, Antonino Memmolo, Giulia Sgattoni, and Gabriele Tarabusi
Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss.,,, 2024
Revised manuscript accepted for ESSD
Short summary

Cited articles

Abrykosov, P., Sulzbach, R., Pail, R., Dobslaw, H., and Thomas, M.: Treatment of ocean tide background model errors in the context of GRACE/GRACE-FO data processing, Geophys. J. Int., 228, 1850–1865,, 2022. 
Bagge, M., Klemann, V., Steinberger, B., Latinović, M., and Thomas, M.: Glacial-isostatic adjustment models using geodynamically constrained 3D Earth structures, Geochem. Geophy. Geosy., 22, e2021GC009853,, 2021. 
Bandikova, T., McCullough, C., Kruizinga, G., Save, H., and Christophe, B.: GRACE accelerometer data transplant, Adv. Space Res., 64, 3, 623–644,, 2019. 
Behzadpour, S., Mayer-Gürr, T., and Krauss, S.: GRACE Follow-On accelerometer data recovery, J. Geophys. Res.-Sol. Ea., 126, e2020JB021297,, 2021. 
Boergens, E.: Python Package Regional TWS Uncertainty, GFZ Data Services [code],, 2021. 
Short summary
GRACE and GRACE-FO are unique observing systems to quantify mass changes at the Earth’s surface...