Articles | Volume 15, issue 7
Data description paper
20 Jul 2023
Data description paper |  | 20 Jul 2023

Spectral Library of European Pegmatites, Pegmatite Minerals and Pegmatite Host-Rocks – the GREENPEG project database

Joana Cardoso-Fernandes, Douglas Santos, Cátia Rodrigues de Almeida, Alexandre Lima, Ana C. Teodoro, and GREENPEG project team

Related subject area

Domain: ESSD – Land | Subject: Geology and geochemistry
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Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 15, 4261–4293,,, 2023
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Cited articles

Asch, K.: IGME 5000: 1:5 Million International Geological Map of Europe and Adjacent Areas, Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) Hannover, Germany, 2005. 
Barros, R. and Menuge, J. F.: The Origin of Spodumene Pegmatites Associated with the Leinster Granite in Southeast Ireland, Can. Mineral., 54, 847–862,, 2016. 
Barros, R., Kaeter, D., Menuge, J. F., and Škoda, R.: Controls on chemical evolution and rare element enrichment in crystallising albite-spodumene pegmatite and wallrocks: Constraints from mineral chemistry, Lithos, 352–353, 105289,, 2020. 
Cardoso-Fernandes, J., Silva, J., Perrotta, M. M., Lima, A., Teodoro, A. C., Ribeiro, M. A., Dias, F., Barrès, O., Cauzid, J., and Roda-Robles, E.: Interpretation of the Reflectance Spectra of Lithium (Li) Minerals and Pegmatites: A Case Study for Mineralogical and Lithological Identification in the Fregeneda–Almendra Area, Remote Sens.-Basel, 13, 3688,, 2021a. 
Cardoso-Fernandes, J., Silva, J., Dias, F., Lima, A., Teodoro, A. C., Barrès, O., Cauzid, J., Perrotta, M., Roda-Robles, E., and Ribeiro, M. A.: Tools for Remote Exploration: A Lithium (Li) Dedicated Spectral Library of the Fregeneda–Almendra Aplite–Pegmatite Field, Data, 6, 33,, 2021b (code available at:, last access: 11 July 2023). 
Short summary
GREENPEG aims to develop tools for pegmatite exploration and to enhance European databases, adding new data on pegmatite properties, such as the spectral signature. Samples comprise pegmatites and wall rocks from Austria, Ireland, Norway, Portugal, and Spain. A detailed description of the spectral database is presented as well as reflectance spectra, photographs, and absorption features. Its European scale comprises pegmatites with distinct characteristics, providing a reference for exploration.
Final-revised paper