Articles | Volume 14, issue 5
Data description paper
05 May 2022
Data description paper |  | 05 May 2022

Observations of the lower atmosphere from the 2021 WiscoDISCO campaign

Patricia A. Cleary, Gijs de Boer, Joseph P. Hupy, Steven Borenstein, Jonathan Hamilton, Ben Kies, Dale Lawrence, R. Bradley Pierce, Joe Tirado, Aidan Voon, and Timothy Wagner

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Cited articles

Abdi-Oskouei, M., Carmichael, G., Christiansen, M., Ferrada, G., Roozitalab, B., Sobhani, N., Wade, K., Czarnetzki, A., Pierce, R. B., Wagner, T., and Stanier, C.: Sensitivity of Meteorological Skill to Selection of WRF-Chem Physical Parameterizations and Impact on Ozone Prediction During the Lake Michigan Ozone Study (LMOS), J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos., 125, e2019JD031971​​​​​​​,, 2020. 
Brown, E. N., Friehe, C. A., and Lenschow, D. H.: The use of pressure-fluctuations on the nose of an aircraft for measuring air motion​​​​​​​, J. Clim. Appl. Meteorol., 22, 171–180,<0171:Tuopfo>2.0.Co;2, 1983. 
Caicedo, V., Delgado, R., Luke, W. T., Ren, X. R., Kelley, P., Stratton, P. R., Dickerson, R. R., Berkoff, T. A., and Gronoff, G.: Observations of bay-breeze and ozone events over a marine site during the OWLETS-2 campaign, Atmos. Environ., 263, 118669,, 2021. 
Cleary, P., Hupy, J., Kies, B., Tirado, J., and Voon, A.: UWEC and Purdue M210 Data for WiscoDISCO21 (Version V2), Zenodo [data set],, 2021a. 
Cleary, P., Wagner, T. J., and Pierce, R. B.: UW-Madison SSEC Lidar Wind Profiler for WiscoDISCO 21 (Version V1), Zenodo [data set],, 2021b. 
Short summary
A field campaign, WiscoDISCO-21, was conducted at the shoreline of Lake Michigan to better understand the role of marine air in pollutants. Two uncrewed aircraft systems were equipped with sensors for meteorological variables and ozone. A Doppler lidar instrument at a ground station measured horizontal and vertical winds. The overlap of observations from multiple instruments allowed for a unique mapping of the meteorology and pollutants as a marine air mass moved over land.
Final-revised paper