04 Feb 2025
 | 04 Feb 2025
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal ESSD.

Fluorescent aerosol particles in the Finnish sub-Arctic during the Pallas Cloud Experiment 2022 campaign

Jürgen Gratzl, David Brus, Konstantinos Doulgeris, Alexander Böhmländer, Ottmar Möhler, and Hinrich Grothe

Abstract. Fluorescent aerosol particles (FAPs) as a fraction of total aerosol particles (TAPs) were measured online with a Wideband Integrated Bioaerosol Sensor 5/NEO (WIBS, Droplet Measurement Technologies) from mid-September to mid-December during the Pallas Cloud Experiment 2022 (PaCE22) at the Sammaltunturi station, located in the sub-Arctic region of Finnish Lapland. The WIBS measures particle size distributions from 0.5 to 30 µm and fluorescence in three channels of single aerosol particles, as well as particle concentrations. Since most biological aerosol particles exhibit intrinsic fluorescence, FAP concentration can be used as a proxy for primary biological aerosol particles (PBAPs) like bacteria, fungal spores and pollen. The concentrations and size distributions of different fluorescent particles, together with meteorological data and air mass trajectories allow valuable insights to the emission of PBAPs from northern boreal forests and their dynamic in the atmosphere. We found a clear seasonal trend for most FAP types and a strong, sudden decrease in concentration after the surrounding ground is covered in snow. Caution should be taken in interpreting the data, as interference may be introduced by non-biological fluorescent particles like secondary organic aerosols or soot, as well as biological secondary organic aerosol. The data is available at the open data repository Zenodo under the doi 10.5281/zenodo.13885888 (Gratzl and Grothe, 2024).

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Jürgen Gratzl, David Brus, Konstantinos Doulgeris, Alexander Böhmländer, Ottmar Möhler, and Hinrich Grothe

Status: open (until 24 Mar 2025)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
Jürgen Gratzl, David Brus, Konstantinos Doulgeris, Alexander Böhmländer, Ottmar Möhler, and Hinrich Grothe

Data sets

Data of Fluorescent Aerosol Particles during the Pallas Cloud Experiment 2022 Jürgen Gratzl and Hinrich Grothe

Jürgen Gratzl, David Brus, Konstantinos Doulgeris, Alexander Böhmländer, Ottmar Möhler, and Hinrich Grothe


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Short summary
Near-real time monitoring of airborne biological particles like fungal spores or pollen grains is of great interest for two main reasons: To improve atmospheric allergen forecasts and deepen the understanding of how bioaerosols influence cloud formation. Here, we measured fluorescent bioaerosols in the Finnish sub-Arctic with high time resolution. A data set that might improve our understanding of biosphere-cloud interactions and the dynamics of bioaerosols in the atmosphere.