Articles | Volume 14, issue 4
Data description paper
04 Apr 2022
Data description paper |  | 04 Apr 2022

Last interglacial sea-level proxies in the glaciated Northern Hemisphere

April S. Dalton, Evan J. Gowan, Jan Mangerud, Per Möller, Juha P. Lunkka, and Valery Astakhov

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This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Climate of the Past (CP).
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Alexanderson, H. and Landvik, J. Y.: Sediments of MIS 5e age suggested by new OSL dates from the Skilvika section, west Svalbard, Polar Res., 37, 1503907,, 2018. 
Alexanderson, H., Landvik, J. Y., Molodkov, A., and Murray, A. S.: A multi-method approach to dating middle and late Quaternary high relative sea-level events on NW Svalbard – A case study, Quat. Geochronol., 6, 326–340, 2011a. 
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Alexanderson, H., Ingólfsson, Ó., Murray, A. S., and Dudek, J.: An interglacial polar bear and an early Weichselian glaciation at Poolepynten, western Svalbard, Boreas, 42, 532–543, 2013. 
Alexanderson, H., Henriksen, M., Ryen, H. T., Landvik, J. Y., and Peterson, G.: 200 ka of glacial events in NW Svalbard: an emergence cycle facies model and regional correlations, Arktos, 4, 1–25​​​​​​​,, 2018. 
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The last interglacial (LIG; 130 to 115 ka) is a useful analogue for improving predictions of future changes to sea level. Here, we describe the location and characteristics of 82 LIG marine sites from the glaciated Northern Hemisphere (Russia, northern Europe, Greenland and North America). Sites are located in a variety of settings, including boreholes, riverbank exposures and along coastal cliffs.
Final-revised paper