Articles | Volume 13, issue 12
Data description paper
10 Dec 2021
Data description paper |  | 10 Dec 2021

10 years of temperature and wind observation on a 45 m tower at Dome C, East Antarctic plateau

Christophe Genthon, Dana Veron, Etienne Vignon, Delphine Six, Jean-Louis Dufresne, Jean-Baptiste Madeleine, Emmanuelle Sultan, and François Forget

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The Cryosphere, 19, 173–200,,, 2025
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A 7-year record of vertical profiles of radar measurements and precipitation estimates at Dumont d'Urville, Adélie Land, East Antarctica
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Ice fog observed at cirrus temperatures at Dome C, Antarctic Plateau
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Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22, 12857–12872,,, 2022
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Water vapor in cold and clean atmosphere: a 3-year data set in the boundary layer of Dome C, East Antarctic Plateau
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Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 14, 1571–1580,,, 2022
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Revised manuscript accepted for ESSD
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Cited articles

Abraham, C. and Monahan, A. H.: Climatological Features of the Weakly and Very Stably Stratified Nocturnal Boundary Layers. Part I: State Variables Containing Information about Regime Occupation, J. Atmos. Sci., 76, 3455–3484,, 2019. 
Argentini, S., Petenko, I., Viola, A., Mastrantonio, G., Pietroni, I., Casasanta, G., Aristidi, E., and Genthon, C.: Summer boundary layer height at the plateau site of Dome C, Antarctica, Bound. Layer Met., 115, 409–422,, 2005. 
Argentini, S., Petenko, I., Pietroni, I., Viola, A., Mastrantonio, G., Casasanta, G., Aristidi, E., and Genthon C.: The surface layer observed by a high resolution sodar at Dome C. Antarcta, Ann Geophys., 56, 1–10,, 2014. 
Aristidi, E., Agabi, K., Azouit, M., Fossat, E., Vernin, J., Travouillon, T., Lawrence, J. S., Meyer, C., Storey, J. W. V., Halter, B., Roth, W. L., and Walden, V.: An analysis of temperatures and wind speeds above Dome C, Antarctica, A&A, 430, 739–746,, 2005. 
Baas, P., van de Wiel, B. J. H., van Meijgaard, E., Vignon, E., Genthon, C., van der Linden, S. J. A., and de Roode, S. R.: Transitions in the wintertime near-surface temperature inversion at Dome C, Antarctica, Q. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc., 145, 930–946,, 2018. 
Short summary
A 10-year dataset of observation in the atmospheric boundary layer at Dome C on the high Antarctic plateau is presented. This is obtained with sensors at six levels along a tower higher than 40 m. The temperature inversion can reach more than 25 °C along the tower in winter, while full mixing by convection can occur in summer. Different amplitudes of variability for wind and temperature at the different levels reflect different signatures of solar vs. synoptic forcing of the boundary layer.
Final-revised paper