Articles | Volume 13, issue 7
Data description paper
02 Jul 2021
Data description paper |  | 02 Jul 2021

A global compilation of U-series-dated fossil coral sea-level indicators for the Last Interglacial period (Marine Isotope Stage 5e)

Peter M. Chutcharavan and Andrea Dutton

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Preprint withdrawn
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Abbey, E., Webster, J. M., Braga, J.-C., Sugihara, K., Wallace, C., Iryu, Y., Potts, D., Done, T., Camoin, G., and Seard, C.: Variation in deglacial coralgal assemblages and their paleoenvironmental significance: IODP Expedition 310, “Tahiti Sea Level,” Global Planet. Change, 76, 1–15,, 2011. 
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Andersen, M. B., Stirling, C. H., Potter, E. K., Halliday, A. N., Blake, S. G., McCulloch, M. T., Ayling, B. F., and O'Leary, M. J.: The timing of sea-level high-stands during Marine Isotope Stages 7.5 and 9: Constraints from the uranium-series dating of fossil corals from Henderson Island, Geochim. Cosmochim. Ac., 74, 3598–3620,, 2010b. 
Short summary
This paper summarizes a global database of fossil coral U-series ages for the Last Interglacial period and was compiled as a contribution to the World Atlas of Last Interglacial Shorelines. Each entry contains relevant age, elevation and sample metadata, and all ages and isotope activity ratios have been normalized and recalculated using the same decay constant values. We also provide two example geochemical screening criteria to help users assess sample age quality.
Final-revised paper