Articles | Volume 9, issue 1
23 Jan 2017
 | 23 Jan 2017

Glaciological measurements and mass balances from Sperry Glacier, Montana, USA, years 2005–2015

Adam M. Clark, Daniel B. Fagre, Erich H. Peitzsch, Blase A. Reardon, and Joel T. Harper

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Cited articles

Alden, W. C.: Glaciers of Glacier National Park, US Dept. of the Interior, Washington D.C., 48 pp., 1914.
Alden, W.C.: Rate of movement in glaciers of Glacier National Park, Science, 57, 268, 1923.
Brown, J., Harper J., and Humphrey, N.: Cirque glacier sensitivity to 21st century warming: Sperry Glacier, Rocky Mountains, USA, Global Planet. Change, 74, 91–98,, 2010.
Carrara, P. E.: Late quaternary glacial and vegetative history of the Glacier National Park region, Montana, US Geol. Surv. Bulletin 1902, US Dept. of the Interior, Washington D.C., 64 pp., 1989.
Carrara, P. E. and McGimsey, R. G.: The late-neoglacial histories of the Agassiz and Jackson Glaciers, Glacier National Park, Montana, Arct. Alp. Res., 13, 183–196, 1981.
Short summary
Most of the alpine glaciers in the world are shrinking. Because of the impact glaciers have on watershed hydrology, the US Geological Survey began a surface mass balance measurement program on Sperry Glacier in Glacier National Park, Montana, USA, in 2005. Between then and 2015 the USGS employed standard methods to estimate the mass changes across the surface of the glacier. During this 11-year period, Sperry Glacier had a cumulative mean mass balance loss of 4.37 m of water equivalent.
Final-revised paper