Articles | Volume 8, issue 1
06 Apr 2016
 | 06 Apr 2016

Subglacial landforms beneath Rutford Ice Stream, Antarctica: detailed bed topography from ice-penetrating radar

Edward C. King, Hamish D. Pritchard, and Andrew M. Smith

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Cited articles

Clark, C. D.: Emergent drumlins and their clones: from till dilatancy to flow instabilities, J. Glaciol., 56, 1011–1025, 2010.
Clark, C. D., Hughes, A. L. C., Greenwood, S. L., Spagnolo, M., and Ng, F. S. L.: Size and shape characteristics of drumlins, derived from a large sample, and associated scaling laws, Quaternary Sci. Rev., 28, 677–692, 2009.
Fowler, A. C.: The formation of subglacial streams and mega-scale glacial lineations, P. Roy. Soc. A-Math. Phy., 466, 3181–3201, 2010.
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Short summary
Large, fast-moving glaciers create long, linear mounds of sediments covering large areas. Understanding how these features form has been hampered by a lack of data from the bed of modern-day ice sheets. We give a detailed view of the landscape beneath an Antarctic glacier called Rutford Ice Stream. We towed a radar system back and forth across the glacier to measure the ice thickness every few metres. This is the first place such a highly detailed view of the sub-ice landscape has been created.
Final-revised paper