Articles | Volume 8, issue 1
06 Apr 2016
 | 06 Apr 2016

Subglacial landforms beneath Rutford Ice Stream, Antarctica: detailed bed topography from ice-penetrating radar

Edward C. King, Hamish D. Pritchard, and Andrew M. Smith

Data sets

Rutford Ice Stream bed elevation DEM from radar data E.C. King, H.D. Pritchard and A.M. Smith

Short summary
Large, fast-moving glaciers create long, linear mounds of sediments covering large areas. Understanding how these features form has been hampered by a lack of data from the bed of modern-day ice sheets. We give a detailed view of the landscape beneath an Antarctic glacier called Rutford Ice Stream. We towed a radar system back and forth across the glacier to measure the ice thickness every few metres. This is the first place such a highly detailed view of the sub-ice landscape has been created.
Final-revised paper