the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
CAMS-REG-v4: a state-of-the-art high-resolution European emission inventory for air quality modelling
Stijn Dellaert
Antoon Visschedijk
Jukka-Pekka Jalkanen
Ingrid Super
Hugo Denier van der Gon
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smoke control lawas it has not been actively enforced for decades now. However, the use of wood in residential heating has increased, partly due to renewable energy targets, but also for discretionary (i.e. pleasant fireplaces) reasons. Our study is based mainly in London, but similar struggles with urban air quality due to residential wood and coal burning are seen in other major European cities.
Accurate national methane (CH4) emission estimates are essential for tracking progress towards climate goals. This study compares estimates from Finland, which use different methods and scales, and shows how well a global model estimates emissions within a country. The bottom-up estimates vary a lot, but constraining them with atmospheric CH4 measurements brought the estimates closer together. We also highlight the importance of quantifying natural emissions alongside anthropogenic emissions.
smoke control lawas it has not been actively enforced for decades now. However, the use of wood in residential heating has increased, partly due to renewable energy targets, but also for discretionary (i.e. pleasant fireplaces) reasons. Our study is based mainly in London, but similar struggles with urban air quality due to residential wood and coal burning are seen in other major European cities.
Related subject area
Since 2001, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has used burning-ember diagrams to show how risks increase with global warming. We bring these data into a harmonized framework available through an online Climate Risks Embers Explorer. Without high levels of adaptation, most risks reach a high level around 2 to 2.3 °C of global warming. Improvements in future reports could include systematic collection of explanatory information and broader coverage of regions and adaptation.