Articles | Volume 13, issue 5
Data description paper
07 May 2021
Data description paper |  | 07 May 2021

The ADRIREEF database: a comprehensive collection of natural/artificial reefs and wrecks in the Adriatic Sea

Annalisa Minelli, Carmen Ferrà, Alessandra Spagnolo, Martina Scanu, Anna Nora Tassetti, Carla Rita Ferrari, Cristina Mazziotti, Silvia Pigozzi, Zrinka Jakl, Tena Šarčević, Miranda Šimac, Claudia Kruschel, Dubravko Pejdo, Enrico Barbone, Michele De Gioia, Diego Borme, Emiliano Gordini, Rocco Auriemma, Ivo Benzon, Đeni Vuković-Stanišić, Sandi Orlić, Vlado Frančić, Damir Zec, Ivana Orlić Kapović, Michela Soldati, Silvia Ulazzi, and Gianna Fabi

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Preprint under review for ESSD
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Revised manuscript accepted for ESSD
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Cited articles

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Short summary
This data paper describes a dataset of natural and artificial reefs and wrecks in the Adriatic Sea collected, from a survey, in the frame of the ADRIREEF Interreg project. Information about the identification of the reef and its physical characteristics, surrounding area, and management actions/facilities has been collected in order to create a very detailed dataset, which has been harmonized and published in the SEANOE repository (
Final-revised paper