Articles | Volume 12, issue 3
Data description paper
25 Sep 2020
Data description paper |  | 25 Sep 2020

VARDA (VARved sediments DAtabase) – providing and connecting proxy data from annually laminated lake sediments

Arne Ramisch, Alexander Brauser, Mario Dorn, Cecile Blanchet, Brian Brademann, Matthias Köppl, Jens Mingram, Ina Neugebauer, Norbert Nowaczyk, Florian Ott, Sylvia Pinkerneil, Birgit Plessen, Markus J. Schwab, Rik Tjallingii, and Achim Brauer

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Amann, B., Szidat, S., and Grosjean, M.: A millennial-long record of warm season precipitation and flood frequency for the North-western Alps inferred from varved lake sediments: implications for the future, Quaternary Sci. Rev., 115, 89–100,, 2015. 
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Ariztegui, D., Bösch, P., and Davaud, E.: Dominant ENSO frequencies during the Little Ice Age in Northern Patagonia: The varved record of proglacial Lago Frías, Argentina, Quatern. Int., 161, 46–55,, 2007. 
Short summary
Annually laminated lake sediments (varves) record past climate change at seasonal resolution. The VARved sediments DAtabase (VARDA) is created to utilize the full potential of varves for climate reconstructions. VARDA offers free access to a compilation and synchronization of standardized climate-proxy data, with applications ranging from reconstructing regional patterns of past climate change to validating simulations of climate models. VARDA is freely accessible at
Final-revised paper