Articles | Volume 16, issue 9
Data description paper
13 Sep 2024
Data description paper |  | 13 Sep 2024

Weekly green tide mapping in the Yellow Sea with deep learning: integrating optical and synthetic aperture radar ocean imagery

Le Gao, Yuan Guo, and Xiaofeng Li

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Revised manuscript accepted for GMD
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Domain: ESSD – Ocean | Subject: Physical oceanography
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Cited articles

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Short summary
Since 2008, the Yellow Sea has faced a significant ecological issue, the green tide, which has become one of the world's largest marine disasters. Satellite remote sensing plays a pivotal role in detecting this phenomenon. This study uses AI-based models to extract the daily green tide from MODIS and SAR images and integrates these daily data to introduce a continuous weekly dataset, which aids research in disaster simulation, forecasting, and prevention.
Final-revised paper