Articles | Volume 15, issue 8
Data description paper
02 Aug 2023
Data description paper |  | 02 Aug 2023

Ice-core data used for the construction of the Greenland Ice-Core Chronology 2005 and 2021 (GICC05 and GICC21)

Sune Olander Rasmussen, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen, Hubertus Fischer, Katrin Fuhrer, Steffen Bo Hansen, Margareta Hansson, Christine S. Hvidberg, Ulf Jonsell, Sepp Kipfstuhl, Urs Ruth, Jakob Schwander, Marie-Louise Siggaard-Andersen, Giulia Sinnl, Jørgen Peder Steffensen, Anders M. Svensson, and Bo M. Vinther

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Preprint archived
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Revised manuscript accepted for ESSD
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Cited articles

Andersen, K. K., Svensson, A., Rasmussen, S. O., Steffensen, J. P., Johnsen, S. J., Bigler, M., Röthlisberger, R., Ruth, U., Siggaard-Andersen, M.-L., Dahl-Jensen, D., Vinther, B. M., and Clausen, H. B.: The Greenland Ice Core Chronology 2005, 15–42 ka. Part 1: constructing the time scale, Quaternary Sci. Rev., 25, 3246–3257,, 2006. 
Buchardt, S. L. and Dahl-Jensen, D.: Estimating the basal melt rate at NorthGRIP using a Monte Carlo technique, Ann. Glaciol., 45, 137–142, 2007. 
Clausen, H. B. and Hammer, C. U.: The Laki and Tambora eruptions as revealed in Greenland ice cores from 11 locations, Ann. Glaciol., 10, 16–22, 1988. 
Clausen, H. B., Hammer, C. U., Christensen, J., Schott Hvidberg, C., Dahl-Jensen, D., Legrand, M., and Steffensen, J. P.: 1250 years of global volcanism as revealed by central Greenland ice cores, in: Ice core studies of global biogeochemical cycles, edited by: Delmas, R. J., NATO ASI Series, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg,, 1995. 
Dahl-Jensen, D., Johnsen, S. J., Hammer, C. U., Clausen, H. B., and Jouzel, J.: Past accumulation rates derived from observed annual layers in the GRIP ice core from Summit, Central Greenland, in: Ice in the Climate System, edited by: Peltier, R. W., NATO ASI Ser. I, Springer-Verlag, New York, 517–532,, 1993. 
Short summary
Timescales are essential for interpreting palaeoclimate data. The data series presented here were used for annual-layer identification when constructing the timescales named the Greenland Ice-Core Chronology 2005 (GICC05) and the revised version GICC21. Hopefully, these high-resolution data sets will be useful also for other purposes.
Final-revised paper