Articles | Volume 15, issue 6
Data description paper
09 Jun 2023
Data description paper |  | 09 Jun 2023

Database of the Italian disdrometer network

Elisa Adirosi, Federico Porcù, Mario Montopoli, Luca Baldini, Alessandro Bracci, Vincenzo Capozzi, Clizia Annella, Giorgio Budillon, Edoardo Bucchignani, Alessandra Lucia Zollo, Orietta Cazzuli, Giulio Camisani, Renzo Bechini, Roberto Cremonini, Andrea Antonini, Alberto Ortolani, Samantha Melani, Paolo Valisa, and Simone Scapin

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Cited articles

Adirosi, E., Gorgucci, E., Baldini, L., and Tokay, A.: Evaluation of gamma raindrop size distribution assumption through comparison of rain rates of measured and radar-equivalent gamma DSD, J. Appl. Meteorol. Clim., 53, 1618–1635,, 2014. 
Adirosi, E., Baldini, L., Lombardo, F., Russo, F., Napolitano, F., Volpi, E., and Tokay, A.: Comparison of different fittings of drop spectra for rainfall retrievals, Adv. Water Resour.,83, 55–67,, 2015. 
Adirosi, E., Roberto, N., Montopoli, M., Gorgucci, E., and Baldini, L.: Influence of Disdrometer Type on Weather Radar Algorithms from Measured DSD: Application to Italian Climatology, Atmosphere, 9, 360,, 2018. 
Adirosi, E., Baldini, L., and Tokay, A.: Rainfall and DSD Parameters Comparison between Micro Rain Radar, Two-Dimensional Video and Parsivel2 Disdrometers, and S-Band Dual-Polarization Radar, J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech., 37, 621–640,, 2020. 
Adirosi, E., Montopoli, M., Bracci, A., Porcù, F., Capozzi, V., Annella, C., Budillon, G., Bucchignani, E., Zollo, A. L., Cazzuli, O., Camisani, G., Bechini, R., Cremonini, R., Antonini, A., Ortolani, A., and Baldini, L.: Validation of GPM Rainfall and Drop Size Distribution Products through Disdrometers in Italy, Remote Sens., 13, 2081,, 2021. 
Short summary
The paper describes the database of 1 min drop size distribution (DSD) of atmospheric precipitation collected by the Italian disdrometer network over the last 10 years. These data are useful for several applications that range from climatological, meteorological and hydrological uses to telecommunications, agriculture and conservation of cultural heritage exposed to precipitation. Descriptions of the processing and of the database organization, along with some examples, are provided.
Final-revised paper