Articles | Volume 14, issue 4
Data description paper
07 Apr 2022
Data description paper |  | 07 Apr 2022

Water vapor in cold and clean atmosphere: a 3-year data set in the boundary layer of Dome C, East Antarctic Plateau

Christophe Genthon, Dana E. Veron, Etienne Vignon, Jean-Baptiste Madeleine, and Luc Piard

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Cited articles

Baas, P., van de Wiel, B. J. H., van Meijgaard, E., Vignon, E., Genthon, C., van der Linden, S., and de Roode, S.: Transitions in the wintertime near-surface temperature inversion at Dome C, Antarctica, Q. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 145, 930–946,, 2019. 
Bazile, E., Couvreux, F., Le Moigne, P., Genthon, C., Holtslag, A. A. M., and Svensson, G.: GABLS4: An intercomparison case to study the stable boundary layer over the Antarctic Plateau, Global Energ. Water Exchanges News, 24, 4, 2014. 
Belosi, F., Santachiara, G., and Prodi, F.: Ice-forming nuclei in Antarctica: New and past measurements, Atmos. Res. 145–146, 105–111,, 2014. 
Genthon, C., Town, M. S., Six, D., Favier, V., Argentini, S., and Pellegrini, A.: Meteorological atmospheric boundary layer measurements and ECMWF analyses during summer at Dome C, Antarctica, J. Geophys. Res., 115, D05104,, 2010. 
Genthon, C., Piard, L., Vignon, E., Madeleine, J.-B., Casado, M., and Gallée, H.: Atmospheric moisture supersaturation in the near-surface atmosphere at Dome C, Antarctic Plateau, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 691–704,, 2017. 
Short summary
The surface atmosphere of the high Antarctic Plateau is very cold and clean. Such conditions favor water vapor supersaturation. A 3-year quasi-continuous series of atmospheric moisture in a ~40 m atmospheric layer at Dome C is reported that documents time variability, vertical profiles and occurrences of supersaturation. Supersaturation with respect to ice is frequently observed throughout the column, with relative humidities occasionally reaching values near liquid water saturation.
Final-revised paper