Articles | Volume 13, issue 3
Review article
26 Mar 2021
Review article |  | 26 Mar 2021

Hydrometeorological data from a Remotely Operated Multi-Parameter Station network in Central Asia

Cornelia Zech, Tilo Schöne, Julia Illigner, Nico Stolarczuk, Torsten Queißer, Matthias Köppl, Heiko Thoss, Alexander Zubovich, Azamat Sharshebaev, Kakhramon Zakhidov, Khurshid Toshpulatov, Yusufjon Tillayev, Sukhrob Olimov, Zabihullah Paiman, Katy Unger-Shayesteh, Abror Gafurov, and Bolot Moldobekov

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Revised manuscript accepted for ESSD
Short summary

Cited articles

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GEOFON: KC Seismic Network, available at:, last access: 29 April 2020. 
Glazirin, G. E.: Review of hydrometeorological observations in Tajikistan for the period of 1990–2005, Assessment of Snow, Glacier and Water Resources in Asia, edited by: Braun, L. N., Hagg, W., Severskiy, I. V., and Young, G., Selected papers from the Workshop in Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2006, UNESCO-IHP and German IHP/HWRP National Committee, IHP/HWRP-Berichte 8, 55–64, Koblenz, 2009. 
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Short summary
The regional research network Water in Central Asia (CAWa) funded by the German Federal Foreign Office consists of 18 remotely operated multi-parameter stations (ROMPSs) in Central Asia, and they are operated by German and Central Asian institutes and national hydrometeorological services. They provide up to 10 years of raw meteorological and hydrological data, especially in remote areas with extreme climate conditions, for applications in climate and water monitoring in Central Asia.
Final-revised paper