Articles | Volume 16, issue 9
Data description paper
16 Sep 2024
Data description paper |  | 16 Sep 2024

GERB Obs4MIPs: a dataset for evaluating diurnal and monthly variations in top-of-atmosphere radiative fluxes in climate models

Jacqueline E. Russell, Richard J. Bantges, Helen E. Brindley, and Alejandro Bodas-Salcedo

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Cited articles

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Banks, J. R., Brindley, H. E., Hobby, M., and Marsham, J. H.: The daytime cycle in dust aerosol direct radiative effects observed in the Central Sahara during the Fennec campaign in June 2011, J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos., 119, 13861–13876,, 2014. 
Bantges, R. J., Russell, J. E., and Brindley, H. E.: Obs4MIPs: Monthly-mean diurnal cycle of top of atmosphere outgoing longwave radiation from the GERB instrument (GERB-HR-ED01 rlut 1hrCM), Centre for Environmental Data Analysis [data set],, 2021a. 
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We present a dataset of top-of-atmosphere diurnally resolved reflected solar and emitted thermal energy for Earth system model evaluation. The multi-year, monthly hourly dataset, derived from observations made by the Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget instrument, covers the range 60° N–60° S, 60° E–60° W at 1° resolution. Comparison with two versions of the Hadley Centre Global Environmental Model highlight how the data can be used to assess updates to key model parameterizations.
Final-revised paper