Articles | Volume 13, issue 10
Data description paper
27 Oct 2021
Data description paper |  | 27 Oct 2021

Advanced NO2 retrieval technique for the Brewer spectrophotometer applied to the 20-year record in Rome, Italy

Henri Diémoz, Anna Maria Siani, Stefano Casadio, Anna Maria Iannarelli, Giuseppe Rocco Casale, Vladimir Savastiouk, Alexander Cede, Martin Tiefengraber, and Moritz Müller

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Cited articles

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Short summary
A 20-year (1996–2017) record of nitrogen dioxide column densities collected in Rome by a Brewer spectrophotometer is presented, together with the novel algorithm employed to re-evaluate the series. The high quality of the data is demonstrated by comparison with reference instrumentation, including a co-located Pandora spectrometer. The data can be used for satellite validation and identification of NO2 trends. The method can be replicated on other instruments of the international Brewer network.
Final-revised paper