Articles | Volume 10, issue 1
Peer-reviewed comment
08 Feb 2018
Peer-reviewed comment |  | 08 Feb 2018

SM2RAIN-CCI: a new global long-term rainfall data set derived from ESA CCI soil moisture

Luca Ciabatta, Christian Massari, Luca Brocca, Alexander Gruber, Christoph Reimer, Sebastian Hahn, Christoph Paulik, Wouter Dorigo, Richard Kidd, and Wolfgang Wagner

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SM2RAIN–ASCAT (2007–2018): global daily satellite rainfall data from ASCAT soil moisture observations
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Cited articles

Abera, W., Brocca, L., and Rigon, R.: Comparative evaluation of different satellite rainfall estimation products and bias correction in the Upper Blue Nile (UBN) basin, Atmos. Res., 178–179, 471–483, 2016.
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Brocca, L., Ciabatta, L., Massari, C., Moramarco, T., Hahn, S., Hasenauer, S., Kidd, R., Dorigo, W., Wagner, W., and Levizzani, V.: Soil as a natural raingauge: estimating rainfall from global satellite soil moisture data, J. Geophys. Res., 119, 5128–5141, 2014.
Short summary
In this study, rainfall is estimated starting from satellite soil moisture observation on a global scale, using the ESA CCI soil moisture datasets. The new obtained rainfall product has proven to correctly identify rainfall events, showing performance sometimes higher than those obtained by using classical rainfall estimation approaches.
Final-revised paper