Articles | Volume 16, issue 6
Data description paper
19 Jun 2024
Data description paper |  | 19 Jun 2024

A Level 3 monthly gridded ice cloud dataset derived from 12 years of CALIOP measurements

David Winker, Xia Cai, Mark Vaughan, Anne Garnier, Brian Magill, Melody Avery, and Brian Getzewich

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Cited articles

Avery, M. A., Ryan, R. A., Getzewich, B. J., Vaughan, M. A., Winker, D. M., Hu, Y., Garnier, A., Pelon, J., and Verhappen, C. A.: CALIOP V4 cloud thermodynamic phase assignment and the impact of near-nadir viewing angles, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 13, 4539–4563,, 2020. a, b
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Cazenave, Q., Ceccaldi, M., Delanoë, J., Pelon, J., Groß, S., and Heymsfield, A.: Evolution of DARDAR-CLOUD ice cloud retrievals: new parameters and impacts on the retrieved microphysical properties, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 12, 2819–2835,, 2019. a, b
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Short summary
Clouds play important roles in both weather and climate. In this paper we describe version 1.0 of a unique global ice cloud data product derived from over 12 years of global spaceborne lidar measurements. This monthly gridded product provides a unique vertically resolved characterization of the occurrence and properties, optical and physical, of thin ice clouds and the tops of deep convective clouds. It should provide significant value for cloud research and model evaluation.
Final-revised paper