Articles | Volume 16, issue 7
Data description paper
31 Jul 2024
Data description paper |  | 31 Jul 2024

Probabilistic reconstruction of sea-level changes and their causes since 1900

Sönke Dangendorf, Qiang Sun, Thomas Wahl, Philip Thompson, Jerry X. Mitrovica, and Ben Hamlington

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Improving statistical projections of ocean dynamic sea-level change using pattern recognition techniques
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Short summary
Sea-level information from the global ocean is sparse in time and space, with comprehensive data being limited to the period since 2005. Here we provide a novel reconstruction of sea level and its contributing causes, as determined by a Kalman smoother approach applied to tide gauge records over the period 1900–2021. The new reconstruction shows a continuing acceleration in global mean sea-level rise since 1970 that is dominated by melting land ice. Contributors vary significantly by region.
Final-revised paper