Articles | Volume 15, issue 12
Data description paper
08 Dec 2023
Data description paper |  | 08 Dec 2023

Lagoon hydrodynamics of pearl farming atolls: the case of Raroia, Takapoto, Apataki and Takaroa (French Polynesia)

Oriane Bruyère, Romain Le Gendre, Mathilde Chauveau, Bertrand Bourgeois, David Varillon, John Butscher, Thomas Trophime, Yann Follin, Jérôme Aucan, Vetea Liao, and Serge Andréfouët

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Cited articles

André, L. V., Chinain, M., Gatti, C. M., Liao, V., Van Wynsberge, S., Tedesco, P., and Andréfouët, S.: A systematic prioritization approach for identifying suitable pearl oyster restocking zones following a mass mortality event in Takaroa Atoll, French Polynesia, Marine Pollut. B., 176, 113472,, 2022. 
Andréfouët, S.: POLYPERL cruise, RV Alis, French Oceanographic Cruises [data set],, 2013. 
Andréfouët, S.: MALIS 1&2 cruise, RV Alis, French Oceanographic Cruises [data set],, 2018. 
Andréfouët, S. and Adjeroud, M.: French Polynesia. In World Seas: An Environmental Evaluation, Elsevier., 827–854,, 2019. 
Andréfouët, S. and Bionaz, O.: Lessons from a global remote sensing mapping project. A review of the impact of the Millennium Coral Reef Mapping Project for science and management, Sci. Total Environ., 776, 145987,, 2021. 
Short summary
During 2018–2022, four pearl farming Tuamotu atolls (French Polynesia) were studied with oceanographic instruments to measure lagoon hydrodynamics and ocean-lagoon water exchanges. The goal was to gain knowledge on the processes influencing the spat collection of the pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera, the species used to produce black pearls. A worldwide unique oceanographic atoll data set is provided to address local pearl farming questions and other fundamental and applied investigations.
Final-revised paper