Articles | Volume 15, issue 1
Data description paper
31 Jan 2023
Data description paper |  | 31 Jan 2023

Multi-hazard susceptibility mapping of cryospheric hazards in a high-Arctic environment: Svalbard Archipelago

Ionut Cristi Nicu, Letizia Elia, Lena Rubensdotter, Hakan Tanyaş, and Luigi Lombardo

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Preprint archived
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Adhikari, P., Hong, Y., Douglas, K. R., Kirschbaum, D. B., Gourley, J., Adler, R., and Robert Brakenridge, G.: A digitized global flood inventory (1998–2008): compilation and preliminary results, Nat. Hazards, 55, 405–422,, 2010. 
Aguilera, Q., Lombardo, L., Tanyas, H., and Lipani, A.: On the prediction of landslide occurrences and sizes via Hierarchical Neural Networks, Stoch. Env. Res. Risk A., 36, 2031–2048,, 2022. 
Ardizzone, F., Cardinali, M., Carrara, A., Guzzetti, F., and Reichenbach, P.: Impact of mapping errors on the reliability of landslide hazard maps, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 2, 3–14,, 2002. 
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Bertolini, R.: Evaluating Performance Variability of Data Pipelines for Binary Classification with Applications to Predictive Learning Analytics, State University of New York at Stony Brook ProQuest Dissertations Publishing,   28644493, 511 pp., 2021. 
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Thaw slumps and thermo-erosion gullies are cryospheric hazards that are widely encountered in Nordenskiöld Land, the largest and most compact ice-free area of the Svalbard Archipelago. By statistically analysing the landscape characteristics of locations where these processes occurred, we can estimate where they may occur in the future. We mapped 562 thaw slumps and 908 thermo-erosion gullies and used them to create the first multi-hazard susceptibility map in a high-Arctic environment.
Final-revised paper