Articles | Volume 11, issue 4
Data description paper
19 Dec 2019
Data description paper |  | 19 Dec 2019

An Arctic watershed observatory at Lake Peters, Alaska: weather–glacier–river–lake system data for 2015–2018

Ellie Broadman, Lorna L. Thurston, Erik Schiefer, Nicholas P. McKay, David Fortin, Jason Geck, Michael G. Loso, Matt Nolan, Stéphanie H. Arcusa, Christopher W. Benson, Rebecca A. Ellerbroek, Michael P. Erb, Cody C. Routson, Charlotte Wiman, A. Jade Wong, and Darrell S. Kaufman

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Auger, J., Birkel, S., Maasch, K., Mayewski, P., and Schuenemann, K.: An ensemble mean and evaluation of third generation global climate reanalysis models, Atmosphere, 9, 1–12,, 2018. 
Benson, C. W.: 16,000 Years of Paleoenvironmental Change from the Lake Peters-Schrader Area, Northeastern Brooks Range, Alaska, M.S. thesis, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA, AAT 10812107, 2018. 
Benson, C. W., Kaufman, D. S., McKay, N. P., Schiefer, E., and Fortin, D.: A 16,000 year-long sedimentary sequence from Lake Peters and Schrader (Neruokpuk Lakes), northeastern Brooks Range, Alaska, Quaternary Res., 1–17,, 2019. 
Ellerbroek, R. A.: Three Component Hydrograph Separation for the Glaciated Lake Peters Catchment, Arctic Alaska, M.S. thesis, School of Earth and Sustainability, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA, ProQuest ID 2112380481, 2018. 
Fortin, D., Kaufman, D. S., Schiefer, E., Thurston, L. L., Geck, J., Loso, M. G., McKay, N. P., Liljedahl, A., and Broadman, E.: Lake Peters water level, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, 2015–2017,, 2019a. 
Short summary
Rapid climate warming is impacting physical processes in Arctic environments. Glacier–fed lakes are influenced by many of these processes, and they are impacted by the changing behavior of weather, glaciers, and rivers. We present data from weather stations, river gauging stations, lake moorings, and more, following 4 years of environmental monitoring in the watershed of Lake Peters, a glacier–fed lake in Arctic Alaska. These data can help us study the changing dynamics of this remote setting.
Final-revised paper