Articles | Volume 16, issue 12
Data description paper
19 Dec 2024
Data description paper |  | 19 Dec 2024

Very high resolution aerial image orthomosaics, point clouds, and elevation datasets of select permafrost landscapes in Alaska and northwestern Canada

Tabea Rettelbach, Ingmar Nitze, Inge Grünberg, Jennika Hammar, Simon Schäffler, Daniel Hein, Matthias Gessner, Tilman Bucher, Jörg Brauchle, Jörg Hartmann, Torsten Sachs, Julia Boike, and Guido Grosse

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Domain: ESSD – Ice | Subject: Permafrost
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Cited articles

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Short summary
Permafrost landscapes in the Arctic are rapidly changing due to climate warming. Here, we publish aerial images and elevation models with very high spatial detail that help study these landscapes in northwestern Canada and Alaska. The images were collected using the Modular Aerial Camera System (MACS). This dataset has significant implications for understanding permafrost landscape dynamics in response to climate change. It is publicly available for further research.
Final-revised paper