Articles | Volume 16, issue 9
Data description paper
13 Sep 2024
Data description paper |  | 13 Sep 2024

The SDUST2022GRA global marine gravity anomalies recovered from radar and laser altimeter data: contribution of ICESat-2 laser altimetry

Zhen Li, Jinyun Guo, Chengcheng Zhu, Xin Liu, Cheinway Hwang, Sergey Lebedev, Xiaotao Chang, Anatoly Soloviev, and Heping Sun

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Cited articles

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Short summary
A new global marine gravity model, SDUST2022GRA, is recovered from radar and laser altimeter data. The accuracy of SDUST2022GRA is 4.43 mGal on a global scale, which is at least 0.22 mGal better than that of other models. The spatial resolution of SDUST2022GRA is approximately 20 km in a certain region, slightly superior to other models. These assessments suggest that SDUST2022GRA is a reliable global marine gravity anomaly model.
Final-revised paper