Articles | Volume 16, issue 2
Data description paper
26 Feb 2024
Data description paper |  | 26 Feb 2024

3D reconstruction of horizontal and vertical quasi-geostrophic currents in the North Atlantic Ocean

Sarah Asdar, Daniele Ciani, and Bruno Buongiorno Nardelli

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Boyer, T. P., Antonov, J. I., Baranova, O. K., Coleman, C., Garcia, H. E., Grodsky, A., Johnson, D. R., Locarnini, R. A., Mishonov, A. V., O'brien, T. D., Paver, C. R., Reagan, J. R., Seidov, D., Smolyar, I. V., Zweng, M. M., Sullivan, K. D., Kicza, M. E., Boyer, T. P., Antonov, J. I., Baranova, O. K., Coleman, C., Garcia, H. E., Grodsky, A., Johnson, D. R., Locarnini, R. A., Mishonov, A. V., O'brien, T. D., Paver, C. R., Reagan, J. R., Seidov, D., Smolyar, I. V., and Zweng, M. M.: World Ocean Database 2013, Sydney Levitus, 209 pp.,, 2013. a
Buongiorno Nardelli, B.: A Deep Learning Network to Retrieve Ocean Hydrographic Profiles from Combined Satellite and In Situ Measurements, Remote Sens., 12, 3151,, 2020a. a, b, c, d, e
Buongiorno Nardelli, B.: A multi-year time series of observation-based 3D horizontal and vertical quasi-geostrophic global ocean currents, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 12, 1711–1723,, 2020b. a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i
Buongiorno Nardelli, B.: North Atlantic Data-Driven 3D Currents, Temperature and Salinity from ESA WOC project, Ver. 2.0, CERSAT/Ifremer [data set], Plouzane, France,, 2022. a, b
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Short summary
Estimating 3D currents is crucial for the understanding of ocean dynamics, and a precise knowledge of ocean circulation is essential to ensure a sustainable ocean. In this context, a new high-resolution (1 / 10°) data-driven dataset of 3D ocean currents has been developed within the European Space Agency World Ocean Circulation project, providing 10 years (2010–2019) of horizontal and vertical quasi-geostrophic currents at daily resolution over the North Atlantic Ocean, down to 1500 m depth.
Final-revised paper