Articles | Volume 13, issue 8
Data description paper
02 Aug 2021
Data description paper |  | 02 Aug 2021

North SEAL: a new dataset of sea level changes in the North Sea from satellite altimetry

Denise Dettmering, Felix L. Müller, Julius Oelsmann, Marcello Passaro, Christian Schwatke, Marco Restano, Jérôme Benveniste, and Florian Seitz

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Cited articles

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Short summary
In this study, a new gridded altimetry-based regional sea level dataset for the North Sea is presented, named North SEAL. It is based on long-term multi-mission cross-calibrated altimetry data consistently preprocessed with coastal dedicated algorithms. On a 6–8 km wide triangular mesh, North SEAL provides time series of monthly sea level anomalies as well as sea level trends and amplitudes of the mean annual sea level cycle for the period 1995–2019 for various applications.
Final-revised paper