Articles | Volume 16, issue 4
Data description paper
12 Apr 2024
Data description paper |  | 12 Apr 2024

CAMELE: Collocation-Analyzed Multi-source Ensembled Land Evapotranspiration Data

Changming Li, Ziwei Liu, Wencong Yang, Zhuoyi Tu, Juntai Han, Sien Li, and Hanbo Yang

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Revised manuscript not accepted
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Cited articles

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Short summary
Using a collocation-based approach, we developed a reliable global land evapotranspiration product (CAMELE) by merging multi-source datasets. The CAMELE product outperformed individual input datasets and showed satisfactory performance compared to reference data. It also demonstrated superiority for different plant functional types. Our study provides a promising solution for data fusion. The CAMELE dataset allows for detailed research and a better understanding of land–atmosphere interactions.
Final-revised paper