the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
A novel specimen-based mid-Paleozoic dataset of antiarch placoderms (the most basal jawed vertebrates)
Zhaohui Pan
Zhibin Niu
Zumin Xian
- Final revised paper (published on 03 Jan 2023)
- Supplement to the final revised paper
- Preprint (discussion started on 07 Jan 2022)
- Supplement to the preprint
Interactive discussion
Status: closed
CC1: 'Comment on essd-2021-394', Yanchao Luo, 10 Feb 2022
I noticed some species in your dataset (see Supplement) have not been identified down to the species level (e.g., Asterolepis sp. and Bothriolepis sp.), and their number is pretty decent. Why do you use those species in your dataset? I wonder it may get a more convincing result by only using identified species. Do those species affect the final result while you use them or not?
Citation: -
CC2: 'Reply on CC1', Zhaohui Pan, 18 Feb 2022
All the data are extracted from published literature. The original authors identified these specimens to the specific genus with peer-reviewed. To ensure data integrity, we need to put them into our dataset.
We use the genus-level of Antiarcha to perform their paleogeographic Distribution, so the indeterminate species could not affect the result. We also perform the diversity changes on genus and species levels to generate a complete result.Citation:
CC2: 'Reply on CC1', Zhaohui Pan, 18 Feb 2022
RC1: 'Comment on essd-2021-394', Anonymous Referee #1, 18 Feb 2022
As authors stated, this is a data description article.
It must take authors much time in these specific data collection and sorting. The open-accessed data is really a contribution for the communication of palaeontology and evolution. I believe it will be very useful to the data-driven study of the geosciences and knowledge discovery. In this aspect the manuscript is worthy of a good publication. I highly recommend its publication.
However, there are still several key issues in this work, which, I think, require authors’ more and further work. I just give my comments here, as a layman reader of fish fossil study. I suggest authors give more explanations in the text, there are too many scientific terms that are difficult to normal readers. Examples are seen in figure 1, figure 3, and related discussions, and others. Another suggestion of mine is more focusing on the dataset, which is the key point of the whole study. A good description of dataset makes readers understand its potential in analyzing.
The title, ‘Dataset of antiarch placoderms (the most basal jawed vertebrates) throughout Middle Paleozoic’, why Middle palaeozoic? In the text, we know the geological range of placodems is from the late Silurian to the Late Devonian. why not limit the time range before the fossil group? Authors need to give explanation. In the description of the dataset, the geological background is very important but not well given in the text.
This dataset was extracted from the DeepBone database, or the present dataset is a subset of it. The purpose of this study, as a data description study, is to show the dataset and its potential using, not giving much attention to the analytical result. The explanation of the data elements, its geological background, and data preparation, make up the key contents of the study, which, in this respect, the study should give more information. The using and analyzing data, in this study, are actually only examples.
The valuable feature of the present dataset is its unique and abundant records of Silurian to Devonian Antiarcha. A simple comparison is given in this study (section 3.1). But I think that authors can go further.
Fossil occurrence-based dataset is better for analyzing fossil organism diversity and distribution. A lot of paleobiological study just prefer fossil occurrence data. GBDB is geological section based (Xu et al., 2020, ESSD. the publication year is 2020, but in this study it was written as 2021) and better in stratum correlation, but its data can be exported to fossil occurrences. For the present data analyzing examples, I see that authors are still using the fossil occurrence data (figure 5 and related text). What is the unique merit of the fossil specimen-based dataset? Why the present dataset or DeepBone chose the specimen-based data structure?
Just because this structure, we see that in data spreadsheet, there are many duplicated lines, except the first column showing the specimens identifiers. Every line shows one specimen, we know the common fact that one specie from one locality normally corresponds to several fossil specimens.
Additionally, the elements in the table 1 are not all corresponding to those in the first line in the data spreadsheet.
Line 16 and other, “The dataset consists of 64 genera and 6025 records, covering all antiarch lineages”. Why authors do not mention the number of species? Such thing occurs in all the text. Here “6025 records’, I guess, means 6025 pieces of fossil specimens. I think such causes confusing because that it needs further definition, especially to define the basic unit (element) of the dataset. In the sections 2.4 and 2.5, figures 3-5, what are the Antiarcha records? Are they individual species, localities? Or specimens? It is only obvious that basic element of the diversity analyses is the fossil taxa (figure 6).
Line 19 and other, “data of Antiarcha”, “structured data of…: what does this mean? What data? here also need definition.
Line 21, “including testing hypotheses”, actually, using data is not ‘testing’ something but showing something.
Section 1, authors should emphasize the significant of the present dataset, not only the fossil group. Such two points are closely related but different.
Lines 49-50, “Explaining the spatial and temporal distribution of early vertebrates is the prerequisite to understand their biogeographic exchange”. The normal sequence is, collecting data – analyzing and showing the distribution – recognizing pattern, the last step is probably the explaining you called here.
Line 116 and others, the TrackPoint V 7.0, I only searched this software in the method part of Xu et al., 2020. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 560. 110029.
Figure 5 needs to be improved, currently it is not clear and hard to get information.
Line 221, “Based on our dataset, the oldest record of”, are you sure that using dataset can conclude the time range result of a fossil? The section 4.1 seems not quite related to the present study. please reconsider it.
Line 256, Eem event, needs explanation.
Section 6, specific and definite conclusion is needed.
Citation: -
CC3: 'Reply on RC1', Zhaohui Pan, 23 Feb 2022
Thanks for the kind comment and revision suggestions of the manuscript. We really benefit. We revised the manuscript carefully.
The title, ‘Dataset of antiarch placoderms (the most basal jawed vertebrates) throughout Middle Paleozoic’, why Middle palaeozoic? In the text, we know the geological range of placodems is from the late Silurian to the Late Devonian. why not limit the time range before the fossil group? Authors need to give explanation. In the description of the dataset, the geological background is very important but not well given in the text.
Response: “Middle Paleozoic” is a conventional term for Silurian and Devonian, frequently used in the literature. The international geoscience programme also uses this term, like IGCP 491 “Middle Palaeozoic Vertebrate Biogeography, Palaeogeography and Climate”, and IGCP 596 “ Mid-Paleozoic climate change and biodiversity patterns”. For a short title, we keep it unchanged. In the Introduction section, we add “throughout Middle Paleozoic” in the sentence “Antiarcha was a diverse and successful group within Placodermi from the late Silurian to the end of Devonian…”
We have added extra text to describe the geological background in the Introduction and 3.1 Data Overview section.
This dataset was extracted from the DeepBone database, or the present dataset is a subset of it. The purpose of this study, as a data description study, is to show the dataset and its potential using, not giving much attention to the analytical result. The explanation of the data elements, its geological background, and data preparation, make up the key contents of the study, which, in this respect, the study should give more information. The using and analyzing data, in this study, are actually only examples.
Response: The present dataset was derived from a subset of the DeepBone database. We are trying to compile all the published data of Vertebrate Paleontology one group by one group based on the DeepBone database. Dataset of Antiarcha is the first finished group. However, this dataset is different from that in DeepBone in the data fields. We deleted the uninformative fields of the original dataset and added the fields of paleo-coordinates for the practical aim.
We have strengthened the description by explaining the data elements, geological background, and data preparation.
The valuable feature of the present dataset is its unique and abundant records of Silurian to Devonian Antiarcha. A simple comparison is given in this study (section 3.1). But I think that authors can go further.
Response: Adopted. We compared the two datasets in more detail in section 3.1.
Fossil occurrence-based dataset is better for analyzing fossil organism diversity and distribution. A lot of paleobiological study just prefer fossil occurrence data. GBDB is geological section based (Xu et al., 2020, ESSD. the publication year is 2020, but in this study it was written as 2021) and better in stratum correlation, but its data can be exported to fossil occurrences.
Response: Corrected.
For the present data analyzing examples, I see that authors are still using the fossil occurrence data (figure 5 and related text). What is the unique merit of the fossil specimen-based dataset? Why the present dataset or DeepBone chose the specimen-based data structure?
Response: The fossil occurrence data is suitable for data visualization. DeepBone chose the specimen-based data structure for three reasons. Firstly, because classic paleontology is based on the specimen, all the information about the specimen could be digitized with as much as possible. Secondly, a specimen with literature is the hard evidence in Paleontology. Thirdly, specimen-based data structure could cover the fossil occurrence-based data structure and do more than occurrence-based data like fossil abundance analysis, geometric morphometrics, fossil calibrations, and so on.
Additionally, the elements in the table 1 are not all corresponding to those in the first line in the data spreadsheet.
Response: Revised.
Line 16 and other, “The dataset consists of 64 genera and 6025 records, covering all antiarch lineages”. Why authors do not mention the number of species? Such thing occurs in all the text. Here “6025 records’, I guess, means 6025 pieces of fossil specimens. I think such causes confusing because that it needs further definition, especially to define the basic unit (element) of the dataset.
Response: This is a historical problem on the Bothriolepis and Asterolepis, the largest two groups of Antiarcha. Identifying a specimen depends on the ability to recognize species in a way that is coherent within a particular genus and through the broader groups. This is very difficult to fossil material by two especially intractable problems: practically, by the fragmentary nature of the fossil, and philosophically by questions with the criteria by which on demarcates fossil species ( Nelson, 1999; Thomson and Thomas, 2001). For example, Thomson and Thomas (2001) reviewed the previous study on Bothriolepis proposed that B. nitida, B. minor, B. virginiensis, B. Darbiensis, and B. colocadensis could not be consistently distinguished. Weems (2004) questioned the validity of B. virginiensis. No consensus on the species level of Bothriolepis and Asterolepis. Thus, the former researchers only used the evidence of Antiarcha on genus level to discuss the biostratigraphic significance (Lelievre and Goujet, 1986; Pan, 1981; Young et al., 2010; Young and Lu, 2020).
Here ‘6025 records’ are 5867 fossil specimens and 158 virtual specimens. Virtual specimens are introduced to store the taxon information when no precise specimen was referenced in the literature.
In the sections 2.4 and 2.5, figures 3-5, what are the Antiarcha records? Are they individual species, localities? Or specimens? It is only obvious that basic element of the diversity analyses is the fossil taxa (figure 6).
Response: Revised. In sections 2.4 and figures 3-5, they are individual specimens. In section 2.5, biodiversity is calculated on the number of genera and species. We revised the description to ensure clarity.
Line 19 and other, “data of Antiarcha”, “structured data of…: what does this mean? What data? here also need definition.
Response: Revised. Data of antiarch is the information on antiarchs, which is usually the unstructured data in the literature text. Structured data is extracted from the text into a predefined format. We rewrote the description in the Abstract.
Line 21, “including testing hypotheses”, actually, using data is not ‘testing’ something but showing something.
Response: We were trying to introduce the potential implementation of structured data of Antiarcha. For example, we could calculate the similarity among different areas to test the ‘stepping-stone’ hypotheses on the dispersal of antiarchs proposed by Li et al. (1993). Because this is a data description paper, we delete this part to meet the scope of ESSD.
Section 1, authors should emphasize the significant of the present dataset, not only the fossil group. Such two points are closely related but different.
Response: Revised.
Lines 49-50, “Explaining the spatial and temporal distribution of early vertebrates is the prerequisite to understand their biogeographic exchange”. The normal sequence is, collecting data – analyzing and showing the distribution – recognizing pattern, the last step is probably the explaining you called here.
Response: Revised.
Line 116 and others, the TrackPoint V 7.0, I only searched this software in the method part of Xu et al., 2020. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 560. 110029.
Response: The TrackPoint V 7.0 was first introduced by Ke et al. (2016) in the caption of Fig.4 on page 11. It was developed by Christopher R. Scotese based on modern geographical coordinates of brachiopod localities.
Figure 5 needs to be improved, currently it is not clear and hard to get information.
Response: Revised. We adjusted the contrast and saturation of the images. And we added more description in the figure caption.
Line 221, “Based on our dataset, the oldest record of”, are you sure that using dataset can conclude the time range result of a fossil? The section 4.1 seems not quite related to the present study. please reconsider it.
Response: The time range of a kind of fossil is based on the stratigraphic horizons of their specimens. Paleontologists, stratigraphers, and systematic biologists are always interested in the earliest fossil record because it can be applied to stratigraphic correlation and molecular clock dating.
Line 256, Eem event, needs explanation.
Response: Revised.
Section 6, specific and definite conclusion is needed.
Response: Revised.
Ke, Y., Shen, S. Z.., Shi, G. R., Fan, J. X., Zhang, H., Qiao, L., and Zeng, Y.: Global brachiopod palaeobiogeographical evolution from Changhsingian (Late Permian) to Rhaetian (Late Triassic), Paleogeogr. Paleoclimatol. Paleoecol., 448, 4-25, doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2015.09.049, 2016.
Lekuevre, H. and Goujet, D., Biostratigraphic significance of some uppermost Devonian palcoderms, Annales de la Société géologique de Belgique, edited by Ministry of Economic Affairs, Belgian Geological Survey, pp. 55-59, 1986.
Pan, K.: Devonian antiarch biostratigraphy of China, Geol. Mag., 118(1): 69-75, 1981.
Li, Z. X., Powell, C. McA., and Trench, A.: Palaeozoic global reconstructions, in: Palaeozoic Vertebrate Biostratigraphy and Biogeography, edited by: Long, J. A., pp. 25–53, Belhaven Press, London, 1993.
Nelson, J. S.: Fishes of the World, 2nd, Jonh Wiley & Sons, New York, 523 PP, 1984.
Thomson, K. S. and Thomas, B.: On the status of species of Bothriolepis (Placodermi, Antiarchi) in North America, J. Vertebr. Paleontol., 21(4), 679-686, doi: 10.1671/0272-4634(2001)021[0679:OTSOSO]2.0.CO;2, 2001.
Weems, R. E.: Bothriolepis virginiensis, a valid species of placoderm fish separable from Bothriolepis nitida, J. Vertebr. Paleontol., 24(1): 245-250, 2004.
Young, G. C., Burrow, C. J., Long, J. A., Turner, S., and Choo, B.: Devonian macrovertebrate assemblages and biogeography of East Gondwana (Australasia, Antarctica), Palaeoworld, 19, 55-74, doi: 10.1016/j.palwor.2009.11.005, 2010.
Young, G. C. and Lu, J.: Asia-Gondwana connections indicated by Devonian fishes from Australia: palaeogeographic considerations, J. Palaegeogr., 9(8), 1-22, doi:10.1186/s42501-020-00057-x, 2020.
CC3: 'Reply on RC1', Zhaohui Pan, 23 Feb 2022
CC4: 'Comment on essd-2021-394', Qiang Li, 06 Mar 2022
It is a thrill to see the work about the database organizing multidimensional information of antiarchs. No doubt that the dataset will empower the research of paleo-biogeography and its application in paleo-map reconstruction. Looking forward to the data-driven research on antiarchs coming to publish in the future.
But I have three questions.
- Figure 2 is very impressive and fresh. This kind of illustrate image was not seen in a paleontological paper before. How did you draw it?
- Do you think the research history influences fossil records? Some blank areas can be seen in Figure 4.
- Where could I get the TrackPoint to calculate the paleo coordinates on my data?
Citation: -
CC5: 'Reply on CC4', Zhaohui Pan, 06 Mar 2022
Thanks for your comments.
For the first question, we think illustration is much easier than words to introduce our data processing workflow. So, we arranged every step of the workflow and transformed it into modern realism illustrations.
We agree that the research history influences fossil records for the second question. A study of the fossil records found that most of the paleontological data come from countries with a long paleontological research history (Raja, N. B. et al. Nature Ecol. Evol.; 2021).
For the last question, GDBD offers an online version of TrackPoint on its website. Please check
RC2: 'Comment on essd-2021-394', Mohamad Bazzi, 08 Jun 2022
General comments
I reviewed this paper with great interest. Pan et al. has compiled a novel taxonomic/occurrence-based dataset of antiarch placoderms. This is important for understanding patterns of early vertebrate diversity, abundance, and turnover during the Palaeozoic Era. It also complements previous work on stem-gnathostomes which has largely focused on their anatomy and phylogenetic relationship with other stem and crown lineages. To my knowledge this represent the first attempt to reconstruct the richness and spatiotemporal distribution of antiarchs using a multi-technique approach. My complements to the author for taking the lead in filling this critical gap in knowledge.
Specific comments:
Most of my specific comments are embedded in the annotated PDF file, and I urge the authors to go through these. Most of my remarks are related to language issues, and less on the scientific content presented in this manuscript. I believe it would be helpful if the authors received the assistance of a professional text and language editor.
Main issues include:
- Richness assessment
- Presentation of results
- Discussion of how the DeepBone project differs from the PBDB
- Lack of home-take messages
Point 1. While the prime objective of this study is clearly focused on presenting the database, the authors do however generate diversity curves and discuss the results. I would strongly recommend that the authors complement their richness assessment by computing sample-corrected curves via rarefaction, SQS, or other available method. I would also suggest that the authors expand the method section and provide detail information about the various analytical steps. The current version of the manuscript lacks sufficient detail to understand the main results. Additionally, the use of ‘rate of variation’ within the context of their richness assessment is vague and should be elaborated on. Finally, the inclusion of the kernel density estimator equation does not add anything here, and it would have been better if you made use of citations were appropriate.
Point 2. As a rule of thumb, it is always better to separate results (i.e., literal reading of the data) from the discussion (i.e., the interpretation). This will make the text much easier to follow.
Point 3. I think the authors should consider including a rationale for creating a new paleontological database. For instance what makes the DeepBone Database unique in comparison to the Paleobiology Database?
Point 4. The conclusion section does not really bring together or synthesis the core findings of this study. Consider re-stating the main objective of this study and how the data and results relate to it.
I'm broadly supportive of the work and its eventual publication. I hope that my comments will provide a nudge in the right direction, and it is possible that the work is of sufficient interest for publication. As currently structured and with the type of language currently used I really don't think the significance will be clear to a general readership. My opinion is that the author need really to spend time dealing with the structure and language issues. The abstract and discussion need to cut through some of the details and really lay out take-home points more clearly.
Figure Captions.
I really like figure 5, but the occurrence points could be made bigger with the use of transparency to deal with the issue of overlapping.
Sincerely yours,
Mohamad Bazzi
AC1: 'Response to Referees’ comments', Min Zhu, 28 Jun 2022
We sincerely thank two referees for their careful reading, helpful comments, and constructive suggestions, which have significantly improved the manuscript. We have carefully considered all reviewer comments and made the changes to the manuscript requested accordingly. Below we provide the point-by-point responses. Our response is given in normal font, and changes/additions to the manuscript are given in the blue text in the supplement. We hope the manuscript after careful revisions meet your high standards. The authors welcome further constructive comments if any.
Point-to-point response to the referees:
Referee #1
The title, ‘Dataset of antiarch placoderms (the most basal jawed vertebrates) throughout Middle Paleozoic’, why Middle palaeozoic? In the text, we know the geological range of placodems is from the late Silurian to the Late Devonian. why not limit the time range before the fossil group? Authors need to give explanation. In the description of the dataset, the geological background is very important but not well given in the text.
Response: “Middle Paleozoic” is a conventional term for Silurian and Devonian, frequently used in the literature. The international geoscience programme also uses this term, like IGCP 491 “Middle Palaeozoic Vertebrate Biogeography, Palaeogeography and Climate”, and IGCP 596 “ Mid-Paleozoic climate change and biodiversity patterns”. For a short title, we keep it unchanged. In the Introduction section, we add “throughout Middle Paleozoic” in the sentence “Antiarcha was a diverse and successful group within Placodermi from the late Silurian to the end of Devonian…”
We have added extra text to describe the geological background in the Introduction and 3.1 Data Overview section.
This dataset was extracted from the DeepBone database, or the present dataset is a subset of it. The purpose of this study, as a data description study, is to show the dataset and its potential using, not giving much attention to the analytical result. The explanation of the data elements, its geological background, and data preparation, make up the key contents of the study, which, in this respect, the study should give more information. The using and analyzing data, in this study, are actually only examples.
Response: The present dataset was derived from a subset of the DeepBone database. We are trying to compile all the published data of Vertebrate Paleontology one group by one group based on the DeepBone database. Dataset of Antiarcha is the first finished group. However, this dataset differs from DeepBone in the data fields. We deleted the original dataset’s uninformative fields and added the paleo-coordinates fields for the practical aim.
We have strengthened the description by explaining the data elements, geological background, and data preparation.
The valuable feature of the present dataset is its unique and abundant records of Silurian to Devonian Antiarcha. A simple comparison is given in this study (section 3.1). But I think that authors can go further.
Response: Adopted. We compared the two datasets in more detail in section 3.1.
Fossil occurrence-based dataset is better for analyzing fossil organism diversity and distribution. A lot of paleobiological study just prefer fossil occurrence data. GBDB is geological section based (Xu et al., 2020, ESSD. the publication year is 2020, but in this study it was written as 2021) and better in stratum correlation, but its data can be exported to fossil occurrences.
Response: Corrected.
For the present data analyzing examples, I see that authors are still using the fossil occurrence data (figure 5 and related text). What is the unique merit of the fossil specimen-based dataset? Why the present dataset or DeepBone chose the specimen-based data structure?
Response: The fossil occurrence data is suitable for data visualization. DeepBone chose the specimen-based data structure for three reasons. Firstly, because classic paleontology is based on the specimen, all the information about the specimen could be digitized with as much as possible. Secondly, a specimen with literature is the hard evidence in Paleontology. Thirdly, specimen-based data structure could cover the fossil occurrence-based data structure and do more than occurrence-based data like fossil abundance analysis, geometric morphometrics, fossil calibrations, and so on.
Additionally, the elements in the table 1 are not all corresponding to those in the first line in the data spreadsheet.
Response: Revised.
Line 16 and other, “The dataset consists of 64 genera and 6025 records, covering all antiarch lineages”. Why authors do not mention the number of species? Such thing occurs in all the text. Here “6025 records’, I guess, means 6025 pieces of fossil specimens. I think such causes confusing because that it needs further definition, especially to define the basic unit (element) of the dataset.
Response: This is a historical problem on the Bothriolepis and Asterolepis, the largest two groups of Antiarcha. Identifying a specimen depends on the ability to recognize species in a way that is coherent within a particular genus and through the broader groups. This is very difficult to fossil material by two especially intractable problems: practically, by the fragmentary nature of the fossil, and philosophically by questions with the criteria by which on demarcates fossil species ( Nelson, 1999; Thomson and Thomas, 2001). For example, Thomson and Thomas (2001) reviewed the previous study on Bothriolepis proposed that B. nitida, B. minor, B. virginiensis, B. Darbiensis, and B. colocadensis could not be consistently distinguished. Weems (2004) questioned the validity of B. virginiensis. No consensus on the species level of Bothriolepis and Asterolepis. Thus, the former researchers only used the evidence of Antiarcha on genus level to discuss the biostratigraphic significance (Lelievre and Goujet, 1986; Pan, 1981; Young et al., 2010; Young and Lu, 2020).
Here ‘6025 records’ are 5867 fossil specimens and 158 virtual specimens. Virtual specimens are introduced to store the taxon information when no precise specimen was referenced in the literature.
In the sections 2.4 and 2.5, figures 3-5, what are the Antiarcha records? Are they individual species, localities? Or specimens? It is only obvious that basic element of the diversity analyses is the fossil taxa (figure 6).
Response: Revised. In sections 2.4 and figures 3-5, they are individual specimens. In section 2.5, biodiversity is calculated on the number of genera and species. We revised the description to ensure clarity.
Line 19 and other, “data of Antiarcha”, “structured data of…: what does this mean? What data? here also need definition.
Response: Revised. Data of antiarch is the information on antiarchs, which is usually the unstructured data in the literature text. Structured data is extracted from the text into a predefined format. We rewrote the description in the abstract.
Line 21, “including testing hypotheses”, actually, using data is not ‘testing’ something but showing something.
Response: We were trying to introduce the potential implementation of structured data of Antiarcha. For example, we could calculate the similarity among different areas to test the ‘stepping-stone’ hypotheses on the dispersal of antiarchs proposed by Li et al. (1993). Because this is a data description paper, we delete this part to meet the scope of ESSD.
Section 1, authors should emphasize the significant of the present dataset, not only the fossil group. Such two points are closely related but different.
Response: Revised.
Lines 49-50, “Explaining the spatial and temporal distribution of early vertebrates is the prerequisite to understand their biogeographic exchange”. The normal sequence is, collecting data – analyzing and showing the distribution – recognizing pattern, the last step is probably the explaining you called here.
Response: Revised.
Line 116 and others, the TrackPoint V 7.0, I only searched this software in the method part of Xu et al., 2020. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 560. 110029.
Response: The TrackPoint V 7.0 was first introduced by Ke et al. (2016) in the caption of Fig.4 on page 11. Christopher R. Scotese developed it based on modern geographical coordinates of brachiopod localities.
Figure 5 needs to be improved, currently it is not clear and hard to get information.
Response: Revised. We adjusted the contrast and saturation of the images. And we added more description in the figure caption.
Line 221, “Based on our dataset, the oldest record of”, are you sure that using dataset can conclude the time range result of a fossil? The section 4.1 seems not quite related to the present study. please reconsider it.
Response: The time range of a kind of fossil is based on the stratigraphic horizons of their specimens. Paleontologists, stratigraphers, and systematic biologists are always interested in the earliest fossil record because it can be applied to stratigraphic correlation and molecular clock dating.
Line 256, Eem event, needs explanation.
Response: Revised.
Section 6, specific and definite conclusion is needed.
Response: Revised.
Ke, Y., Shen, S. Z.., Shi, G. R., Fan, J. X., Zhang, H., Qiao, L., and Zeng, Y.: Global brachiopod palaeobiogeographical evolution from Changhsingian (Late Permian) to Rhaetian (Late Triassic), Paleogeogr. Paleoclimatol. Paleoecol., 448, 4-25, doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2015.09.049, 2016.
Lekuevre, H. and Goujet, D., Biostratigraphic significance of some uppermost Devonian palcoderms, Annales de la Société géologique de Belgique, edited by Ministry of Economic Affairs, Belgian Geological Survey, pp. 55-59, 1986.
Pan, K.: Devonian antiarch biostratigraphy of China, Geol. Mag., 118(1): 69-75, 1981.
Li, Z. X., Powell, C. McA., and Trench, A.: Palaeozoic global reconstructions, in: Palaeozoic Vertebrate Biostratigraphy and Biogeography, edited by: Long, J. A., pp. 25–53, Belhaven Press, London, 1993.
Nelson, J. S.: Fishes of the World, 2nd, Jonh Wiley & Sons, New York, 523 PP, 1984.
Thomson, K. S. and Thomas, B.: On the status of species of Bothriolepis (Placodermi, Antiarchi) in North America, J. Vertebr. Paleontol., 21(4), 679-686, doi: 10.1671/0272-4634(2001)021[0679:OTSOSO]2.0.CO;2, 2001.
Weems, R. E.: Bothriolepis virginiensis, a valid species of placoderm fish separable from Bothriolepis nitida, J. Vertebr. Paleontol., 24(1): 245-250, 2004.
Young, G. C., Burrow, C. J., Long, J. A., Turner, S., and Choo, B.: Devonian macrovertebrate assemblages and biogeography of East Gondwana (Australasia, Antarctica), Palaeoworld, 19, 55-74, doi: 10.1016/j.palwor.2009.11.005, 2010.
Young, G. C. and Lu, J.: Asia-Gondwana connections indicated by Devonian fishes from Australia: palaeogeographic considerations, J. Palaegeogr., 9(8), 1-22, doi:10.1186/s42501-020-00057-x, 2020.
Referee #2
Most of my specific comments are embedded in the annotated PDF file, and I urge the authors to go through these. Most of my remarks are related to language issues, and less on the scientific content presented in this manuscript. I believe it would be helpful if the authors received the assistance of a professional text and language editor.
Response: Adopted. We revised the manuscript following the annotated PDF file accordingly. The comments which we did not follow are explained below.
Line 17: The main point of this paper is to introduce the Antiarcha dataset within the DeepBone database instead of the DeepBone database.
Line 24: Giving the data storage address at the end of the abstract is the style of ESSD referring to the other publications on its website.
Line 26: ‘grade’ for a paraphyletic group, and ‘clade’ for a monophyletic group. As such, ‘grade’ is correct here. To be neutral, we now replace ‘grade’ with ‘group’.
Line 35: ‘successful vertebrate group’ has been used by Long (2011) ‘Though gone today, placoderms ruled the planet for nearly 70 million years, making them the most successful vertebrate group of their time.’ We have added the citation.
Line 37: In the following sentence, we gave examples illustrating how Antiarcha fossils contribute to the Devonian stratigraphic correlation.
Line 204: ‘East Gondwana’ and ‘South China’ are terms of biozonation following the previous study of early vertebrates. See Zhao and Zhu, 2010; Young and Lu, 2020.
Point 1. While the prime objective of this study is clearly focused on presenting the database, the authors do however generate diversity curves and discuss the results. I would strongly recommend that the authors complement their richness assessment by computing sample-corrected curves via rarefaction, SQS, or other available method. I would also suggest that the authors expand the method section and provide detail information about the various analytical steps. The current version of the manuscript lacks sufficient detail to understand the main results. Additionally, the use of ‘rate of variation’ within the context of their richness assessment is vague and should be elaborated on. Finally, the inclusion of the kernel density estimator equation does not add anything here, and it would have been better if you made use of citations were appropriate.
Response: Adopted. We generate the richness assessment by the divDyn R package to obtain sample-corrected curves, see figure 7. Compared to the subsampling approaches, the old version of the diversity curve is inadequate. So, we deleted parts involving the old diversity curve, such as ‘rate of variation’ and ‘kernel density estimate’. We agree that the subsampling approach is suitable for ameliorating some fossil-record bias.
Point 2. As a rule of thumb, it is always better to separate results (i.e., literal reading of the data) from the discussion (i.e., the interpretation). This will make the text much easier to follow.
Response: Adopted.
Point 3. I think the authors should consider including a rationale for creating a new paleontological database. For instance what makes the DeepBone Database unique in comparison to the Paleobiology Database?
Response: Adopted. Following the two referees’ suggestions, we have revised the comparison between the two datasets in more detail in section 3.1.
Point 4. The conclusion section does not really bring together or synthesis the core findings of this study. Consider re-stating the main objective of this study and how the data and results relate to it.
Response: Adopted. We rewrite the conclusion to summarize the dataset. Because any interpretation of data is outside the scope of the regular article of ESSD, we try to avoid interpreting the findings.
I really like figure 5, but the occurrence points could be made bigger with the use of transparency to deal with the issue of overlapping.
Response: Revised. Following the two referees’ suggestions, we try some ways to enhance figure 5. Finally, we adjusted the contrast and saturation of the images to achieve a better result. Moreover, we added more descriptions in the figure caption.
Long, J. A.: Dawn of the Deed. Sci. Am., 304(1), 34-39, 2011.
Zhao, W.J., Zhu, M.: Siluro-Devonian vertebrate biostratigraphy and biogeography of China. Palaeoworld, 19, 4-26, 2010.
Young, G.C., Lu, J.: Asia–Gondwana connections indicated by Devonian fishes from Australia: palaeogeographic considerations. J. Palaeogeog., 9, 1-22, 2020.
Peer review completion