Articles | Volume 15, issue 1
Data description paper
03 Jan 2023
Data description paper |  | 03 Jan 2023

A novel specimen-based mid-Paleozoic dataset of antiarch placoderms (the most basal jawed vertebrates)

Zhaohui Pan, Zhibin Niu, Zumin Xian, and Min Zhu

Data sets

Dataset of antiarch placoderms (the most basal jawed vertebrates) throughout Middle Paleozoic Zhaohui Pan and Min Zhu

Short summary
Antiarch placoderms, the most basal jawed vertebrates, have the potential to enlighten the origin of the last common ancestor of jawed vertebrates during the Paleozoic. This dataset, which was extracted manually from 142 published papers or books from 1939 to 2021, consists of 60 genera of 6025 specimens from the Ludfordian to the Famennian, covering all antiarch lineages. We transferred the unstructured data from the literature to structured data for further detailed research.
Final-revised paper