Articles | Volume 15, issue 5
Data description paper
23 May 2023
Data description paper |  | 23 May 2023

Generation of global 1 km daily soil moisture product from 2000 to 2020 using ensemble learning

Yufang Zhang, Shunlin Liang, Han Ma, Tao He, Qian Wang, Bing Li, Jianglei Xu, Guodong Zhang, Xiaobang Liu, and Changhao Xiong

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Preprint under review for ESSD
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Domain: ESSD – Land | Subject: Hydrology
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Short summary
Soil moisture observations are important for a range of earth system applications. This study generated a long-term (2000–2020) global seamless soil moisture product with both high spatial and temporal resolutions (1 km, daily) using an XGBoost model and multisource datasets. Evaluation of this product against dense in situ soil moisture datasets and microwave soil moisture products showed that this product has reliable accuracy and more complete spatial coverage.
Final-revised paper