Articles | Volume 13, issue 10
Data description paper
15 Oct 2021
Data description paper |  | 15 Oct 2021

The NIEER AVHRR snow cover extent product over China – a long-term daily snow record for regional climate research

Xiaohua Hao, Guanghui Huang, Tao Che, Wenzheng Ji, Xingliang Sun, Qin Zhao, Hongyu Zhao, Jian Wang, Hongyi Li, and Qian Yang


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Short summary
Long-term snow cover data are not only of importance for climate research. Currently China still lacks a high-quality snow cover extent (SCE) product for climate research. This study develops a multi-level decision tree algorithm for cloud and snow discrimination and gap-filled technique based on AVHRR surface reflectance data. We generate a daily 5 km SCE product across China from 1981 to 2019. It has high accuracy and will serve as baseline data for climate and other applications.
Final-revised paper