Articles | Volume 16, issue 12
Data description paper
18 Dec 2024
Data description paper |  | 18 Dec 2024

Global tropical cyclone size and intensity reconstruction dataset for 1959–2022 based on IBTrACS and ERA5 data

Zhiqi Xu, Jianping Guo, Guwei Zhang, Yuchen Ye, Haikun Zhao, and Haishan Chen

Data sets

Global tropical cyclone size and intensity reconstruction dataset for 1959–2022 based on IBTrACS and ERA5 data Zhiqi Xu et al.

Short summary
Tropical cyclones (TCs) are powerful weather systems that can cause extreme disasters. Here we generate a global long-term TC size and intensity reconstruction dataset, covering a time period from 1959 to 2022, with a 3 h temporal resolution, using machine learning models. These can be valuable for filling observational data gaps and advancing our understanding of TC climatology, thereby facilitating risk assessments and defenses against TC-related disasters.
Final-revised paper